Certified Copies

  • Trademarks
  1. Trademark Applications.
    This document contains the original application papers only.
    It is also known as the “application as filed” or “priority document.” It does not include current status and title.

    If an application has been amended and that must be proven in another country, you need to get that amendment certified in addition to the application. See # 4, File Histories, listed below.

  2. Trademark Registrations.
    This is a copy of the trademark registration certified as to current title and status.

    If you know (or suspect) there may be chain of title issues, please order an assignment search before ordering the certified copy.

  3. Assignment Records

    There are two types of assignment certified copies:

    A. Reels & Frames. This is a copy of any document at a listed reel & frame number, recorded with the Assignment Branch of the PTO.

    B. Chain of title. This is a certified copy of the computer printout from the PTO’s database showing the chain of title of a particular registration or serial number.

  4. File Histories

    Certified copies of any file may be ordered. Also, specific papers from a file may be certified, such as a preliminary amendment, statement of use, etc.

  • Patents
  1. Patent Applications

    Requests for certified copies of patent applications require a power to inspect. Click here for the required form  A signed emailed or fax copy is acceptable. Please email the form to orders@hynak.com or fax it to (703) 553-7793.


    This is a certified copy of the patent as issued.

     Patent file history

    Certified copies of any file may be ordered. Also, specific papers from a file may be certified, such as a preliminary amendment, information disclosure statement, etc.

  2. Patent Assignments

    There are two types of assignment certified copies:

    A. Reels & Frames. This is a copy of any document at a listed reel & frame number, recorded with the Assignment Branch of the PTO.

    B. Chain of title. This is a certified copy of the computer printout from the PTO’s database showing the chain of title of a particular patent number or serial number.

  • Copyrights
  • Additional Certificates

    This is a certified copy of the registration certificate.

  • Certified deposits

    In order to obtain a certified copy of the Deposit Copy you must be one of the following:

    a) Copyright Holder
    b) In litigation
    c) In potential litigation

Depending on the situation, certain information is required. Please call us to discuss your specific situation.